Tuesday 11 October 2011

Life in Israel: Quote Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

Israel supports the Quartet initiative, but it cannot forgo the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Europe knows very well the importance of a Jewish democratic state. The jews were in many countries in Europe but when the time came that did not help them. We will not agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside a "State of All Its Citizens". The Palestinians must declare, already now, that if two countries are established, one will be Jewish....
there will not be peace if security is not guaranteed for Israel. The Oslo agreements are proof to that, that peace agreements that turn out to be an illusion create a deep rift that is difficult to repair...
Jerusalem can only be under the rule of one authority. We have proven that freedom of religion in Jerusalem is only protected completely under Israeli rule...

-- Speaker of Knesset Reuven "Ruby" Rivlin

Life in Israel: Quote Of The Day

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