Sunday 22 May 2011

Love of the Land: Latma brings you the Palestinian peace budget

Latma brings you the Palestinian peace budget

Caroline Glick
20 May '11

This week on The Tribal Update, the television-on-Internet produced by Latma, we bring you an in-depth investigation of the PA's finances. We also feature an exposition on the IDF's 21st century fighting doctrine.

Enjoy the show.

Latma is funded through contributions to the Center for Security Policy in Washington. If you would like to support our efforts, you can contribute by clicking here. It takes you to the online contribution page to the Center for Security Policy through Network for Good. To earmark your donation to Latma, please write "Latma" in the box marked "designation."

We just registered a non-profit organization -- The Zionist Incubator -- here in Israel that will be able to accept donations for Latma from outside the US. We will be opening our bank account here next week and I will give you the information for contributing as soon as I have it.

Thanks again for your support for Latma and its important work in developing a public discourse in Israel that is relevant to the challenges facing our country.

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Love of the Land: Latma brings you the Palestinian peace budget

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