Wednesday 18 May 2011

Israel Matzav: Russia expels Israel's military attache in Moscow

Russia expels Israel's military attache in Moscow

Israel's military attache in Moscow, Vadim Leiderman, has been expelled from the country for spying. Israel Radio reports that Leiderman was questioned upon his return to Israel, and the IDF is saying with 100% certainty that he was not a spy.

Leiderman, the Defense Ministry said in a statement, was arrested by surprise last week by Russian security authorities and questioned at length on suspicions that he was spying on Russia on behalf of Israel. The arrest came as a delegation of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee visited Moscow under the leadership of the committee chairman and former defense minister Shaul Mofaz.

Israeli-Russian military ties have had their ups and downs in recent years. Israel openly criticized Russia earlier this year for supplying Syria with advanced Yakhont anti-ship cruise missiles which the IDF fears will be transferred to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

On the other hand, the Defense Ministry permitted Israel Aerospace Industries last year to sell a production line of some of its mid-level unmanned aerial vehicles to a Russian company which is manufacturing the drones independently in Russia.

According to the IDF and Defense Ministry statement, Leiderman’s term as military attaché to Moscow was supposed to end in two months. The IDF said that upon his return from Moscow, Leiderman was questioned by security authorities which ruled out the allegations that the attaché was operating as a spy in Russia.

So why would Russia doe something like this? Perhaps this provides a clue.

Israel Matzav: Russia expels Israel's military attache in Moscow

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