Tuesday 17 May 2011

Israel Matzav: IDF won't release video of Lebanese Armed Forces shooting protesters

IDF won't release video of Lebanese Armed Forces shooting protesters

The IDF has decided not to release video that shows members of the Lebanese Armed Forces shooting at protesters on the border area between Maroun al-Ras and Avivim on Sunday. The IDF fears that if the video is released, the LAF will do nothing to stop the protesters the next time. The IDF itself has been accused of doing the shooting and killing ten protesters.

The video was taken by the IDF of the area just north of the town of Avivim, where hundreds of Palestinian refugees gathered on Sunday to participate in Nakba Day demonstrations against Israel. At one point, a group of the protesters rushed to the border but were pushed back by soldiers from the Lebanese Armed Forces.

IDF soldiers also opened fire at the legs of some of the protesters who managed to penetrate the LAF perimeter and reach the border fence. Lebanese media reported that 10 people were killed. But senior IDF officers said on Monday that it was likely that most of the dead were killed by the LAF gunfire.

The decision not to release the video was made during consultations between the IDF and the Prime Minister’s Office, both of which were concerned that its release to the public could embarrass the LAF, and in turn deter the Lebanese army from responding aggressively the next time protesters try to storm the border.

Of course, if there is a UN investigation, we might be forced to release that video.... Heh.

Israel Matzav: IDF won't release video of Lebanese Armed Forces shooting protesters

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