Sunday 2 May 2010

Israel Matzav: Nick Clegg on Israel

Nick Clegg on Israel

London's Jewish Chronicle had an interview with Liberal Democrat candidate Nick Clegg over the weekend. I don't know enough about Clegg to assess how believable this interview is and how much is for the Jewish community's public consumption (his invocation of Obama gave me the creeps), but for what it's worth....

What would you do to kick-start talks in the Middle East in order to bring about a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

Clearly President Obama has the most leverage over the parties in the peace process. There is a limit to what we can do on our own, but I would like to see the UK and the EU supporting the initiatives being taken by the Americans.

Ultimately, I believe Israel’s long term peace and security will depend on reaching a settlement with the Palestinians and therefore it is incumbent on all of Israel’s friends to do what they can drive forward the peace process.

What is your position on Israel's actions in Operation Cast Lead and what should Israel do to calm international opinion on this issue?

Israel has a right to take action to protect its civilians. That is beyond question. I understand that the constant attacks from Gaza on innocent families living in Sderot was and is intolerable and Israel rightly seeks to defend its citizens.

But the truth is that Operation Cast Lead did not work. It was self-defeating. There are still attacks on Israeli citizens from Gaza.

Israel is more isolated internationally, the people of Gaza are more embittered and Hamas strengthened as a direct result of Operation Cast Lead. It has made it harder not easier to achieve Israel’s long term peace and security and that is deeply regrettable.

I think Israel could do a great deal to reassure international opinion by holding an independent inquiry into Operation Cast Lead.

What is your view of the current state of UK-Israel relations in the light of Israel’s use of British passports in Dubai? What further action should be taken if the investigation of the Dubai authorities confirms that Israel was responsible for the assassination of the Hamas operative?

Clearly relations between Israel and the UK have been affected. It is unacceptable for British passports to be abused in this way. We will have to wait and see what the Dubai authorities conclude.

While of course I understand Israel’s unique security predicament, my view is that this kind of killing would be completely counter-productive to the peace process. I just don’t see how this fits into a long-term security strategy for Israel.

Someone needs to tell him that the number of rocket attacks from Gaza has dropped over 90% since Operation Cast Lead ended, and that we're not making peace with Hamas, and therefore the liquidation of a Hamas terrorist (even if the Mossad did it) can only being good and happiness to the World.

No, I'm not impressed, and I sure wouldn't vote for him.

Israel Matzav: Nick Clegg on Israel

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