Friday 9 April 2010

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Six Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation

That's the number of jumps needed to go from any individual to any individual anywhere: mathematically, any one of us can reach anyone else by going through no more than six acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances. Say I wish to reach some Argentinian cowboy in the Pampas: I write to Fake-Ibrahim, and he turns to a radical-lefty at the university of cowboys, and we've still got four jumps which will probably be two or three more than necessary.

Israel being the very small place it is, by late evening yesterday I had found a connection to Anat Kamm, which turned out to be very easy and required only two intermediaries, and neither of them were remotely as far-fetched as the above example. It's a solid path.

The acquaintance of my acquaintance, who has known Kamm for a number of years, insists she's an unintelligent person who thought she could leverage secret documents into a step on the ladder of journalism, perhaps by proving her investigative abilities.

This doesn't exonerate her of anything, but it does make some of the others in the story, first and foremost Haaretz, into greater culprits. I'm not going to take this further at the moment, as I need the time to read Haaretz of today, but I expect I'll do another round-up tomorrow or the next day - so feel free to stay away if you're bored by the story.

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Six Degrees of Separation

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