Monday 12 April 2010

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Learning Can be Bad for You

Learning Can be Bad for You

Maureen Dowd recently returned to the USA from Suadi Arabia. Upon her return she understood that the oppression of woman over there is more or less the same as their oppression by the Catholic Church.

I spoof you not. Her column is at the top of the list of popular stories at the NYT website.

The only interesting part of this otherwise silly story is that her insight is the result of her trip. Her encounter with the reality, that's what did it, not the other way around. You might have expected an ignoramus to make a thoughtless comment, then to correct it once shown reality. You'd be wrong: it works in exactly the opposite direction.

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Learning Can be Bad for You

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