Monday 5 April 2010

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Has Obama Given Up Too?

Has Obama Given Up Too?

The Wall Street Journal's editorial opines that Obama knows he can't stop the Iranian nuclear project, and has given up trying. Their line of argumentation is a bit different from Greg Sheridan in Australia, but the thesis is the same.

I continue not to have enough insider information to know. On the other hand, Jeffrey Goldberg, through whom I reached this item, claims that

On the other hand, no one, IMHO, has made a convincing argument that a military strike could, in fact, work.

Which puzzles me a bit, first, because I don't see why a military machine such as the US has couldn't put the Iranian program back many many years. It should be considerably easier than, say, subduing a civil war in Iraq: You need to destroy a limited number of hard targets, that's all. Second, because if it can't, why are American taxpayers spending so much money on it? Mostly, however, I'm puzzled because Goldberg seems to feel that such military capabilites should be posted on CNN or somewhere, for everyone to see them.

You usually do better than that, Jeffrey.

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Has Obama Given Up Too?

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