Wednesday 7 April 2010

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Capturing the Wind

Capturing the Wind

I haven't had anything to say yet about the Anat Kamm case. Nor do I have anything intelligent to say now, since too many important details are still unclear.

On the adjacent story, however, of how our court has allowed a gag order to be applied even as the story is swirling around the Internet, I'm going on record as agreeing with Haaretz: sheer idiocy. Nor does this make me a brave voice of dissent or any such tosh: there's no danger in my saying so, it's not brave, it's simply common sense.

(I can add one small piece of information no-one else knows: one of her lawyers was once a student of mine. But I can't take credit even for his role in the matter).

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Capturing the Wind

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