Thursday 29 April 2010

RonMossad: UNBELIEVABLE: Is the Obama Administration REALLY trying to eliminate/overthrow the Benjamin Netanyahu government?!

UNBELIEVABLE: Is the Obama Administration REALLY trying to eliminate/overthrow the Benjamin Netanyahu government?!

Welcome to regime change, Obama style:

Bibi be gone: Obama team plotting overthrow of Israel's Netanyahu

Sources in the administration and Congress asserted that the White House and State Department have sought to destabilize Netanyahu's government by forcing him to agree to an indefinite freeze on Jewish construction in the West Bank and most of Jerusalem as well as the establishment of a Palestinian state by 2012. They said the campaign sought to replace Netanyahu with opposition leader and former foreign minister Tsipi Livni.

No way.

"Bibi is extremely vulnerable to pressure," a source familiar with the White House effort said. "We know this from his first term in office and believe he will collapse this time as well."

No freaking way.

The sources said the administration's strategy aimed to de-legitimize Netanyahu in his government and right-wing constituency. They said Obama and his aides have sought to portray Netanyahu as a weak and unstable politician who will destroy relations with Washington as Israel seeks U.S. support for a military option against Iran.

What the hell!!!!!!!!

The sources said the administration's campaign has included invitations to Defense Minister Ehud Barak to the White House, where he met with Obama on April 26. Barak has been regarded as the most pro-U.S. minister in Netanyahu's Cabinet and has been lobbying ministers to accept Obama's proposals.

Read the full story at the World Tribune if you don't believe me.

Look, I'm not big on conspiracy theories - BELIEVE ME I'm not. But is it really so out of the question that this administration would try to sort of push a guy they don't like out of the way? It would certainly explain the astonishingly bizarre behavior coming out of the Obama camp, since very early on in the presidency. It would also explain why there is such a close alliance between President Obama and "just because we like Israel doesn't mean we like Likud" traitors like J Street.

And by the way...say what you will about Bibi, but "weak and unstable? Really? Take a look at this clip of Netanyahu on the Bill Maher show:

You tell me if Netanyahu is anything resembling "unstable" on a show that generally IS NOT on his country's side. This isn't Hannity, it's Bill Maher for Christ's sake. Even BILL MAHER knows better!

It's gotten to the point that in addition to retired generals feeling the need to remind Obama who his real friends are, you have several DEMOCRATIC Congressmen and women publicly speaking out against their boss.

Steve Rothman (D-NJ) recently published an article entitled: The Dividends of U.S. Support for Israel

Anthony Weiner (D-NY) chimes in with his opinion piece: Enough Already, Mr. President: Time to Start Treating Israel Like the Ally It Is

Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says Obama's "terrible" treatment of Netanyahu has to stop.

Former Democratic NYC mayor Ed Koch: Obama's Treatment of Israel is Shocking. In fact, Koch is on record telling Fox News that he has...

...been a supporter of President Obama and went to Florida for him, urged Jews all over the country to vote for him saying that he would be just as good as John McCain on the security of Israel. I don't think it's true anymore.Congresswoman Shelly Berekely (D-NV) castigates Obama for his recent public humiliation of Israel’s Prime Minister

And of course, hundreds of Democratic Senators and House Representatives all signed a letter to Hillary Clinton and Obama about their disgraceful treatment of Israel.

This is ASIDE from the Republicans who take every opportunity to bash Obama, especially on Israel and foreign policy issues. These people are ALL very liberal, anti-Bush, anti-neo-con, anti-right wing, anti-whatever-name you want to pick for why so many leftists seem to hate Israel. The fact that even they are starting to speak out against what is going on here CANNOT be a coincidence. It cannot.

So it may not be that far of a stretch to say that this Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning administration is more concerned with getting rid of Netanyahu than getting rid of Ahmedinejad. And yet there are still a majority of Jews who voted for Obama that STILL will TODAY tell you that it was the right decision for Israel.

How naive. How self-destructive. How deluded.


RonMossad: UNBELIEVABLE: Is the Obama Administration REALLY trying to eliminate/overthrow the Benjamin Netanyahu government?!

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