Tuesday 6 April 2010

Love of the Land: The Repercussions of Obama's War of Words on Israel

The Repercussions of Obama's War of Words on Israel

Osama Hamdan of Hamas: Hillary's New Dance Partner?

02 April '10

We are approaching one month since Obama and his Vice President made the momentous decision to escalate the artificial "crisis" of settlements and turn it into a major policy shift of animus towards Israel while claiming-incredibly- that they stand stalwartly behind the Jewish State. One measure of how deep a rift the Obama policy has created are the reverberations within the U.S. and around the world. Within one week of the "condemnation" of Jewish building - building that had been announced and planned years in advance - the EU's President, Spanish Foreign Minister Angel Moratinos, echoed Obama's harsh words and demanded a total freeze on Jewish building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. At home, liberal media outlets have chimed in on the Obama line with unsparing words for Israel and its government: In its March 26th editorial the sages of the New York Times wrote:

"Many Israelis find Mr. Obama’s willingness to challenge Israel unsettling. We find it refreshing..."

Of course, BHO would never even consider "challenging" the Palestinians nor would the Times demand it.

A editorial in The Harvard Crimson on April 1 declared,

"We oppose the original construction of the settlements, and believe this incident provides an important opportunity for the U.S. to consider its relationship with Israel. It is time for the U.S. to reexamine its alliance with the country based on its national security and geopolitical realities. To do so, the U.S. should create diplomatic distance between the two nations. The U.S. should also make the degree of aid it provides to Israel contingent on Israel’s pursuit of the peace process. President Obama’s recent actions demonstrate that he is dedicated to the same careful reevaluation, and we applaud him in that regard."

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: The Repercussions of Obama's War of Words on Israel

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