Friday 9 April 2010

Love of the Land: Next: Returning to Jericho

Next: Returning to Jericho

The Anniversary of the Conquest of Jericho

H/T Yisrael Medad

The 28th of Nissan is the day on which Jericho was conquered by Joshua Bin-Nun

On Monday the 28th Nissan (12/04/2010) at 18:00, we will meet in Beit Hogla for a talk by Rav Yossi Peli and Rav Itzhak Shapira. Everybody will sound the Shofar and burst forth.

Details: Erna, tel 052-8699300; Yoni, tel 052-3527313

Rosh Hodesh Iyar at "Shalom Al Israel" in Jericho

Shaharit Prayer in the "Shalom Al Israel" synagogue in the holy city of Jericho

Where the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan, where the first Brit Mila in the Land of Israel was performed. Here the angel told Joshua "Remove your shoes from your feet, because this place is holy".

On Thursday 1st Iyar (15th April 2010), departure from the community of "Mevoot Yericho" (with IDF escort) at 7:30 AM. A bus will be provided from Binynei HaUma in Jerusalem at 6:30 AM and will stop over at Beit Hogla at 7:00 AM.

Love of the Land: Next: Returning to Jericho

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