Tuesday 6 April 2010

Love of the Land: The Last Night Of Passover: An Obama Postscript

The Last Night Of Passover: An Obama Postscript

Marty Peretz
The New Republic
06 April '10

(When Marty Peretz has something to say, he's real clear. The last couple of paragraphs are about as straightforward as one can get.)

I actually had no intention of writing again about President Obama and his Passover theology. I'd done it once, on the night before the night of the first seder and that, I said to myself, was enough. In any case, my quarrel with him is really about how he treats the idea of the Jewish people today (but not only the idea) and how his politics imperil Jews everywhere, in Israel, primarily, but certainly not only in Israel.

So what changed my mind? Well, I was catching up with Jonathan Chait's blog, a TNR feature that I greatly admire. Somehow, I had missed a posting of his called "How Obama Ruined Passover." Of course, I knew instantly that Obama had ruined nothing for Chait. Obama can't ruin anything for Chait.

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: The Last Night Of Passover: An Obama Postscript

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