Tuesday 6 April 2010

Love of the Land: If There's No Project to Engage Hizballah Why Do People Keep Telling Me They Were Contacted About It?

If There's No Project to Engage Hizballah Why Do People Keep Telling Me They Were Contacted About It?

Thanassis Cambanis

Barry Rubin
The Rubin Report
05 April '10

Recently, I wrote an article about receiving a letter saying the Center for American Progress is running a project to advocate U.S. engagement with Hizballah and that high-ranking officials in the Obama administration were encouraging this as part of their own campaign to start talking with the Lebanese terrorist group that is a client for Iran and Syria in trying to take over Lebanon and destroy Israel.

The head of the project, Cambanis, a strong supporter of Hizballah, has denied it. Yes, he admitted. That's what my assistant wrote but he lied. The letter began, however, with the assistant saying the director asked him to write me. So one would think the director approved the letter.

Cambanis wrote last year

"The Islamist axis commands real power and is a force to be reckoned with. Israel has never stopped negotiating with Hamas and Hezbollah. European diplomats are quietly talking to Hezbollah officials, and looking for ways to initiate contacts with Hamas without violating European law. American intelligence services and diplomats find they have less and less leverage and understanding from their increasingly isolated stations and embassies; they’ll need to craft new channels through which to speak to groups in the Islamist axis."

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: If There's No Project to Engage Hizballah Why Do People Keep Telling Me They Were Contacted About It?

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