Friday 9 April 2010

Love of the Land: Fallen major’s widow pleads for Pollard, not for own home

Fallen major’s widow pleads for Pollard, not for own home

Widow of Golani Brigade Maj. Eliraz Peretz, doesn't ask Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin to save her home from imminent demolition.

Tova Lazaroff
08 April '10

Shlomit Peretz, the widow of Golani Brigade Maj. Eliraz Peretz, did not ask Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin to save her home from imminent demolition, when he sat in her living room on Thursday, in the unauthorized Givat Hayovel outpost on the outskirts of the Eli settlement.

On the wall was a large Israel flag that the couple had used as their wedding canopy.To ward off the chill, she wore a green fleece jacket. She grasped a plastic cup filled with water.

Her husband, 31, was killed in action in the southern Gaza Strip on March 26, along with St.-Sgt. Ilan Sviatkovsky, 21. On Thursday, politicians made their way to her two-story stone home to speak with her and her four young children.

Of her husband, Shlomit told Rivlin, “He was willing to pay the price and what happened, happened.”

What was important now was to “continue in his path,” she said. “I have to be a vessel to his memory.

“He can not work physically in this world, but I am here to be a vessel for all the things that he wanted to do.”

Among these, she noted, was his desire to have 12 children of his own and to adopt a child.

“There is one thing that I will ask of you,” she told the Likud lawmaker.

“One of the ethics that was very strong for Eliraz was not to leave people behind on the battlefield,” said Shlomit who described how he had helped evacuate his wounded friends from areas under fire.

“The state has left someone in the field for 25 years. If we could return him home, it would be a form of comfort for us,” she said.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: Fallen major’s widow pleads for Pollard, not for own home

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