Friday 16 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Your tax shekels in action at Tel Aviv University

Your tax shekels in action at Tel Aviv University

Like most of Israel's universities, Tel Aviv University is taxpayer funded, with students paying a fraction of what they would pay in other Western countries for an education (university tuition here is around $3000 per year - less than my tuition as a Freshman at Columbia 35 years ago).

But all that taxpayer money doesn't just go to fund student tuitions and faculty research. I thought you'd all (especially the Israelis) like to hear about something your tax shekels funded on the Tel Aviv University campus on Thursday. Those of you who are abroad can follow along as well - I'm sure you donate money to Tel Aviv University as well (and if you don't, your federation probably does).

A report in Maariv said that Tel Aviv University was on Thursday sponsoring a symposium called “Voice from Gaza.” Speaking at the symposium will be far-left academics and professors who have urged the United States to develop relations with terror groups Hamas and Hizbullah. Attendees will also have the opportunity to talk to their “colleagues” in Gaza via videoconferencing.

The symposium is being chaired by Professor Uri Hadar, who is a signatory to dozens of leftwing petitions, including a number calling on IDF soldiers to refuse to serve in Judea and Samaria, and to disobey orders that violate their conscience. He was also a strident supporter of Tali Fahima, who spied on Israel for her boyfriend, Zakaria Zubeidi, Jenin chief of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. Also attending will be Sarah Roy, a Jewish daughter of Holocaust survivors who is a professor at Harvard and a fierce supporter of Hamas, as well as Richard Norton, who has called on the U.S. to recognize Hizbullah.

Yes, of course, they can talk to their colleagues at the Islamic University of Gaza who are studying Bombmaking 101.

Aren't you happy you funded that? You mean you're not happy that you funded that? Sorry. I'm not happy about it either.

Israel Matzav: Your tax shekels in action at Tel Aviv University

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