Thursday 1 April 2010

Israel Matzav: The US interest in 'Palestine'

The US interest in 'Palestine'

Tom Smith has a question that Americans ought to be asking themselves (Hat Tip: Instapundit):

And pardon me for asking, but what exactly is our interest in setting up a Palestine? We need another country we will have to fly predator drones over? Oh right. If we set up a Palestine, then the not-to-be-called-Islamo-fascists will not hate us so much, and peace and brotherhood will ensue in the Middle East. My personal view is that if we are going to set up new countries, they should be countries that will not be our enemies. If the idea is to set up an enemy of the US, why not let Iran or somebody do it? They have lots of useless desert. They could put it there.


Israel Matzav: The US interest in 'Palestine'

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