Thursday 15 April 2010

Israel Matzav: This time, it's personal

This time, it's personal

Roger Simon talks about President Obama's irrational rage at Israel.

A week or so ago, I wrote a post describing Barack Obama as President Weirdo. Indeed here we have more evidence of this psychological disturbance, because this response to Israel is not in the realm of the rational. It is highly neurotic. Somewhere in the unconscious of Barack Obama are a stew of forces now directed (or cathected) on the Jewish state and its leader. Not a healthy state of affairs for anyone. (Well, maybe for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.)


As Michael Ledeen wrote in these pages, he is like an undergraduate at a bull session, sucking on a joint as he nods in agreement with the clichéd jargon of an “anti-imperialist” foreign exchange student. He hid this, to some extent, during his political campaign but now, under stress, the Tea Party parvenus more popular than he, he can no longer repress his true impulses. Out they have popped, ungoverned as dreams.

One wonders what his advisors, my landsmen Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, must think. My guess is they are very confused fellows with many sleepless nights. They deserve them. Whatever advice they may have given their President, it appears not to have been good. Or perhaps he has completely overrun their advice. Who knows? Whatever the case, his behavior has certainly not won the hearts and minds of the Israeli public. A gigantic 91% oppose Obama’s possible attempt to impose a deal on Israel, an unheard of number in opposition to an American president – and that from a populace that tends to the liberal, a country where one of the few, if only, socialist successes ever flourished, the kibbutz.

Of course, Obama’s actions are making every Israeli into a dreaded Likudnik. Why wouldn’t they? When a man acts on inchoate impulses tinged with rage, there’s no telling what he will do. If this goes on much longer, he may even change the voting patterns of the American Jewish public. Stranger things have happened. Just wait.

Sorry, but I don't see American Jewish voting patterns changing anytime soon. I'd be happy if we got to the point where the Democrats at least couldn't just take the Jewish vote for granted. But we're not there yet.

Israel Matzav: This time, it's personal

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