Sunday 4 April 2010

Israel Matzav: That was quick: Special screening on terror-supporting Muslim countries rolled back

That was quick: Special screening on terror-supporting Muslim countries rolled back

Well, that was quick. Just ten days after naming Nawar Shora, legal director of the Arab-American Anti-Defamation Committee (ADC), to serve as a senior adviser for the TSA's office of civil rights and civil liberties, the Obama administration has canceled the special restrictions that were imposed on travelers to the United States from fourteen terror-supporting countries after Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab arrived in Detroit on Christmas Day with a bomb in his underwear.

This is from Debbie Schlussel:

The extra checkpoint scrutiny for these people has been removed, and, predictably, applauded by the usual whiner suspects from CAIR, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (whose chief honcho’s wife, Dr. Layla Al-Marayati, heads a HAMAS-enabling charity).

The Obama administration is lifting an emergency order that has required extra airport screening of all passengers flying to the USA from 14 terror-prone countries, two senior administration officials said Thursday.

The emergency order was implemented after the attempted bombing of an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day.

The new system will treat all passengers flying into the USA the same way, regardless of nationality, said the officials, who were briefed on the policy. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the policy is not being announced until today.

Back to the same old failed “security” policy, which failed to catch the Undie-bomber.

What could go wrong?

Read the whole thing.

Israel Matzav: That was quick: Special screening on terror-supporting Muslim countries rolled back

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