Sunday 4 April 2010

Israel Matzav: The Sun King's foreign policy

The Sun King's foreign policy

Marty Peretz clues us in on a big secret: President Obumbler spends 45 minutes a day on foreign policy.

Luce and Dombey cite an authoritative official: “If you were to ask me who the real national security adviser is, I would say there were three or four, of whom Rahm is one and of which Gen. Jones is probably the least important.” None of them is a Kissinger. But, thank God, none of them is an Albright either.

Still, there is, the reporters tell us, only 45 minutes a day for foreign policy. This is not much time. Since Obama dithers (take the 90 days-long decision on troops to Afghanistan), he’d better have good advice over which to dither.

But the problem may be that he doesn’t like advice at all. This is the meaning of the “sun king” metaphor. Indeed, he has strong instincts. Yet he does not know much about the countries and regions about which he offers obiter dicta,which he turns into orders.

Leslie Gelb, one of our wise senior diplomats and senior diplomatic commentators, poses this query: “The question is which bright spark advised the president to demand a settlement freeze without working out what the next step should be when Netanyahu inevitably said ‘No’?” Well, it was no bright spark but Barack Obama. And he is now stuck.

I would bet that it really came from Obama. As did the blow up of the housing announcement while Vice President Biden into the greatest spat between the US and Israel since 1956.

Read the whole thing.

Israel Matzav: The Sun King's foreign policy

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