Wednesday 14 April 2010

Israel Matzav: The silver lining in the cloud of US - Israel relations

The silver lining in the cloud of US - Israel relations

Dan Pipes has an interesting take on the silver lining in the currently clouded US - Israel relations.

Strong U.S.-Israel ties induce irreversible Israeli mistakes. Poor U.S.-Israel ties abort this process. Obama may expect that picking a fight with Israel will produce negotiations but it will have the opposite effect. He may think he is approaching a diplomatic breakthrough but, in fact, he is rendering that less likely. Those who fear more "war process" can thus take some solace in the administration's blunders.

The complexity of U.S.-Israel relations leaves much room for paradox and inadvertency. A look beyond a worrisome turn of events suggests that good may come of it.

I can only hope he's right.

Israel Matzav: The silver lining in the cloud of US - Israel relations

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