Friday 2 April 2010

Israel Matzav: The Russians know how to handle terrorists

The Russians know how to handle terrorists

Can you imagine what the World's reaction would be if an Israeli leader reacted like this to terrorism?

“We’ve twisted off the heads of the most odious thugs, but clearly that’s not enough,” Medvedev said during a security meeting in the regional capital Makhachkala. “We’ll find them all in a timely manner and we’ll punish them all,” he said in comments broadcast on state television. “That’s the only way.”


Medvedev today issued a five-point plan for combating terrorism, starting with bolstering law enforcement agencies and delivering “sharp dagger blows” to terrorists. The government must help people who break ranks with the terrorists, develop the economy in the North Caucasus and promote morality and spiritual growth among its people, he said.

Medvedev said Russia must expand its arsenal of measures for fighting terrorism. “They must be not only more effective, but tougher, more brutal, if you like, with the goal of preventing terrorist attacks,” he said. “People must be punished for that.”

Something tells me that the Russians won't worry too much about civilian casualties if the terrorists try to use civilians in the North Caucasus as human shields. And I wouldn't expect to see Richard Goldstone there anytime soon either.

If only Israel would fight terrorism the same way.

More here.

Israel Matzav: The Russians know how to handle terrorists

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