Friday 23 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Obama promises not to impose 'peace' from outside

Obama promises not to impose 'peace' from outside

President Obama has written a letter to Alan Solow, the President of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, in which he promises that he will not impose 'peace' on Israel from the outside (Hat Tip: Ben Smith via Memeorandum).

"Since we have known each other for a long time," Obama wrote, "I am sure you can distinguish between the noise and distortion about my views that have appeared recently, and the actual approach of my administration toward the Middle East."

The American president stressed in his letter that, "for over 60 years, American presidents have believed that pursuing peace between Arabs and Israelis is in the national security interests of the United States." He added that he has made the pursuit of this peace a top priority since his first day in the White House.

He wrote, "I am deeply committed to fulfilling the important role the United States must play for peace to be realized, but I also recognize that in order for any agreement to endure, peace cannot be imposed from the outside; it must be negotiated directly by the leaders who are required to make the hard choices and compromises that take on history.

"We are determined to help them, particularly because the status quo does not serve the interests of Israel, the Palestinians, or the United States."


"Let me be very clear," he said, "We have a special relationship with Israel and that will not change.

"Our countries are bonded together by shared values, deep and interwoven connections, and mutual interests. Many of the same forces that threaten Israel also threaten the United States and our efforts to secure peace and stability in the Middle East. Our alliance with Israel serves our national security interests."

In conclusion, Obama wrote, "As we continue to strive for lasting peace agreement between Israel, the Palestinians, and Israel's neighbors, all sides should understand that our commitment to Israel's security is unshakable and that no wedge will be driven between us. We will have our difference, but when we do, we will work to resolve them as close allies."

And with that, I hereby declare the opening of the 2010 US midterm election campaign.

I wonder how much that poll earlier this evening has to do with this.

If Iran gets nuclear weapons, the words come cheap anyway.

Israel Matzav: Obama promises not to impose 'peace' from outside

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