Monday 19 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Obama brings the Jew-haters out of the woodwork

Obama brings the Jew-haters out of the woodwork

The New York Post's Michael Goodwin reports that President Obama's tough talk on Israel is being used by all sorts of anti-Semitic scum who believe that their vile hatred is suddenly acceptable (Hat Tip: Jammie Wearing Fool).

The three letters came to me in response to different columns, but the writers share two distinct views. They support President Obama's hard-line policy toward Israel, and they are anti-Semites.

They hear Obama's policy as a license, and even a cue, to spew their hate. I am sharing their rants because letters like theirs are increasing as the president grows more forceful toward Israel.

The connection is disturbing. With American-Israeli relations at a low point, anti-Semitism could be reaching a boiling point.

Yes, some writers support Obama's stance in legitimate ways. They show that there is room for honest disagreement and that criticism of Israel, whether from the president or other Americans, does not have to be anti-Semitic.

But most of the critical reaction I get when I fault Obama's policies is anti-Semitic. Some of it is violent in tone, wishing me and my family death and suggesting the world would be a better place if Hitler had succeeded.

"Another Holocaust is on the way," wrote Janice Wijnen. "What will history say about the Jews? They were the missing links between apes and human beings."

The most common approach is to raise doubts about my loyalty, with many writers claiming that sticking up for Israel is proof of a lack of patriotism here at home.

Because I see Israel's survival both as a moral issue and a strategic one for America, I am often incorrectly assumed to be Jewish, as if only Jews could defend Israel.

Read the whole thing.

It's disgusting but not at all surprising. The next thing you know, some American diplomat will refer to Israel as "that s***y little country." What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Obama brings the Jew-haters out of the woodwork

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