Wednesday 28 April 2010

Israel Matzav: New PA 'law' bans 'settlement products'

New PA 'law' bans 'settlement products'

'Moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen issued a diktat on Monday, banning 'settlement products' from areas controlled by the 'Palestinians.'

Hassan al-Ouri, a legal adviser to Abbas, said that the new law was based on the grounds that the settlements were “cancers in the Palestinian body.” He said the law signed by Abbas was designed to confront the settlements with all means available to the Palestinians.

Ouri said Palestinians who purchased such products helped to “fatten and legitimize” settlements.

The new law also calls for punitive measures against any Palestinian who violates it, including confiscation of the merchandise.

The adviser said Abbas had been forced to issue the law in the absence of the Palestinian Legislative Council, the only body entitled to do so.

The PLC has been effectively paralyzed since Hamas seized full control of the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2007.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: New PA 'law' bans 'settlement products'

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