Friday 9 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu: 'The hell you'll impose a plan on us'

Netanyahu: 'The hell you'll impose a plan on us'

Prime Minister Netanyahu reacted defiantly to word that the Obama administration may attempt to impose a 'peace plan' on Israel. He said that Israel would not accept such a plan.

"It won't work and it won't be acceptable if a settlement is forced on us," Netanyahu reportedly told close aides. He reportedly said Israel would have to retain a military presence along its border with Jordan and that adequate security arrangements would be an important element of any future peace deal.


A senior Israeli source said Netanyahu believes security arrangements - especially the need to prevent missiles and rockets from reaching Palestinians in the West Bank - have never been properly dealt with in previous negotiations with the Palestinians. Because of this, the source said, the prime minister says he would not accept security arrangements that do not entail an Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley.

If Obama thinks he has two unpopular Middle East wars now, he ought to consider what the reaction would be in the US if he tries to send US troops (as his adviser Samantha Power suggested) to establish a 'Palestinian state.' Given the percentage of Americans that support each of Israel and the 'Palestinians,' that action would be far less popular than either existing war in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Israel Matzav: Netanyahu: 'The hell you'll impose a plan on us'

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