Monday 19 April 2010

Israel Matzav: More proof Petraeus is not anti-Israel

More proof Petraeus is not anti-Israel

Max Boot continues to defend David Petraeus as 'not anti-Israel.' (For the record, I agree with Max, and I believe that people in the Obama administration and the US foreign policy establishment are trying to spin Petraeus as anti-Israel for their own reasons). He gives three more data points, two of which I covered here and here. Here's the third one.

Point 3: Petraeus sent a letter on March 30 to Congressman Buck McKeon, ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, who had asked for further clarification of the general’s views of Israel. The letter (which has not previously been released) noted Centcom’s “highest priorities… the issues that keep us up at night” are not Israeli-Palestinian relations but rather “militant groups, hostile states, and [weapons of mass destruction," along with "the instability in South Asia, the activities and policies of the Iranian regime, the situation in Iraq and the growth of [al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] in Yemen.” Petreaus said that the peace process is important but no more important than “other cross-cutting factors mentioned.” He noted, as well, that neither an internal study that Centcom had conducted of the issue “nor my posture statement assigns blame for this lack of progress [in peace talks], nor do they link the lack of progress with the lives of U.S. service members.”

Until David Petraeus takes Andy McCarthy's suggestion to set the record straight, I guess that will have to suffice.


Israel Matzav: More proof Petraeus is not anti-Israel

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