Wednesday 7 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Michael Oren is full of it

Michael Oren is full of it

I have a lot of respect for Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States and a contemporary of mine at Columbia. Oren is a brilliant historian who has done well representing Israel's interests in Washington thus far (my own misgivings about him notwithstanding). But he was totally full of it in this interview with CNN on Sunday.

Israel's Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, on Sunday described the ties between Israel and the U.S. as 'great.'

In an interview with CNN, reporter Cindy Crowley said "I literally need a one-word answer. The state of U.S.- Israeli relations is..."

"Great," Oren replied.

The envoy also said that conditions for renewing peace talks with the Palestinians are as good as they have been in some time, and that Israel is prepared to make difficult decisions in order to achieve peace.

Hey Michael, if things are so wonderful, why are we being forced to make another round of unilateral 'concessions' to the 'Palestinians'?


Based on the comments, perhaps I should clarify that I'm sure Michael Oren is as aware as I am that he is lying through his teeth, and that he probably does feel that he does not have a choice.

But that doesn't change the fact that he's lying.


More here.

Israel Matzav: Michael Oren is full of it

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