Tuesday 27 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Labor loses more votes

Labor loses more votes

Israeli Kibbutzim are mostly in the Labor party camp when it comes to elections. The Labor party arranged for astounding land grants to the Kibbutzim, which they were allowed to keep even when they stopped farming the land. But in the Jordan Valley, the Kibbutzim are not pleased with the Labor party's Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, and they say they won't be voting for the Labor party anymore. Here's why.

Maariv correspondent Daliya Mazori reports in today’s edition that members of Kibbutz Almog and Beit Ha’arava in the Jordan Valley say that they are abandoning the Labor Party in protest of the demolition on Thursday of foundations for homes for the sons of Kibbutz members at the instruction of Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

The foundations were almost completed prior to the construction freeze and the kibbutzim promised not to continue construction until the freeze ended – and to date honored their word.

DM Obama ordered that the foundations be demolished because they were not completed before the freeze.

“He insisted that they be demolished. We met with Barak several times. I told him, we honor the law and won’t play around, but please leave the foundations alone. He stood his ground. The claim we heard from him was that Obama wanted to see that construction is being demolished everywhere it takes place and not just in the settlements.” Mordechai Dahman, the head of the Megilot Dead Sea Regional Council said.

By the time this is over, Israel may not have a Jewish Zionist Left. Good riddance.

Israel Matzav: Labor loses more votes

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