Wednesday 28 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Iran claims it can close the Strait of Hormuz

Iran claims it can close the Strait of Hormuz

Iran claims that it can close the Strait of Hormuz - shutting off a large portion of the World's energy supply - in the even that new sanctions are imposed on it.

"The Strait of Hormuz can provide (us with) potentials that if necessary they will be used," Sarvari added in a meeting dubbed as "the Future of Iran's Nuclear Case, the Threats and Opportunities" here in Tehran today.

The Strait of Hormuz, the entrance to the strategic Persian Gulf waterway, is a major oil shipping route. A major part of world's energy supply passes through the waterway.

"If the Strait of Hormuz is closed, which is a practical thing to happen, 62 percent of the world energy will be kept away from them. In this case the world economy will face a big problem," he reiterated.

Sarvari also underlined that Iran's 'Ya Mahdi' speedboats, which went on display during the recent wargames by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, have transformed Iran's weak points in naval combats to strong points.

Do you think the Iranians have figured out how weak Obama is and figure they can scare him with this kind of nonsense?

Israel Matzav: Iran claims it can close the Strait of Hormuz

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