Tuesday 27 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Egyptian foreign minister calls Israel an enemy

Egyptian foreign minister calls Israel an enemy

Isn't that just great? Thirty years after Israel gave them the Sinai (which Israel had won in a defensive war and defended through another one) with all its oil in return for 'peace,' Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit went to Beirut on Saturday and referred to Israel as an enemy. He also promised that Egypt would stand by Lebanon and Syria (whatever that means) if they were attacked by Israel (Hat Tip: Israellycool).

Aboul Gheit said concerns expressed by Israel and the United States on the alleged transfer of Scud missiles from Syria to Hezbollah were "ridiculous".

"Anyone who is familiar with the (Scud) missile knows that it cannot be smuggled or concealed," he said.

Following talks with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Foreign Minister 'Ali Al-Shami, Aboul Gheit was asked whether he was visiting Beirut in order to convey a warning from Israel.

The Egyptian minister said in response that the purpose of his trip was not to relay messages "from the enemy to a sister Arab state."

Aboul Gheit also said Cairo would stand by Lebanon and Syria in case they were attacked.

His statement made the headlines of a number of Arab newspapers, including the London-based Al Hayat and Asharq Al-Awsat, Saudi daily Al-Madina and Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai.

Keep that in mind as we're asked to give up more land for 'peace.'

Israel Matzav: Egyptian foreign minister calls Israel an enemy

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