Sunday 11 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Congress wants to know if Syria is arming Hezbullah; Obama administration has no clue why

Congress wants to know if Syria is arming Hezbullah; Obama administration has no clue why

Congress is demanding answers regarding Syrian arms supplies to Hezbullah.

One Middle East insider told The Cable that the concern is coming primarily from Capitol Hill. "There is serious concern in Congress about just how bad Syria's behavior has been lately, from their flagrant ties with terrorist groups and Iran, to deeply worrying arms shipments to Hezbollah in Lebanon."

A Senate leadership aide confirms that there is now at least one hold on the nomination of Robert Ford to become the first U.S. ambassador to Syria in more than four years. Some congressional sources said there were multiple holds. The lawmakers are said to be pressing for more intelligence-sharing on the Syrian weapons transfers as part of their demands before considering Ford. (Other reasons why senators are holding up the Ford nomination can be found here.)

The administration is clueless about Syrian arms supplies. Or at least they're claiming to be.

The administration sources we spoke with they had no clear understanding about exactly what the current state of play was regarding the weapons. That has led some to privately wonder why the situation wasn't being more closely tracked, although that may very well be going on at levels we can't see.

National Security Spokesman Mike Hammer told The Cable that the administration is "increasingly concerned about the sophistication of the weaponry being transferred and have continued to reiterate our strong concerns to the Syrian and Lebanese authorities."

What Hammer also apparently doesn't get it is why Syrian arms supplies matter.

"The transfer of weapons from Syria to Lebanese Hizballah undermines the Lebanese government's ability to exercise sovereignty over all of its territory and risks sparking a conflict that no one needs," he added.

At this point, the Lebanese government - which is dominated by Hezbullah thanks to Obama's weakness - would probably love to go to war with Israel. The arms being provided by Syria, with which the Obama administration would like to 'engage,' will fuel any such future conflict.

But Lebanon has already been lost. The issue now is that supplying arms to Hezbullah will encourage them to attack Israel.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Congress wants to know if Syria is arming Hezbullah; Obama administration has no clue why

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