Thursday 15 April 2010

Israel Matzav: 91% of Israelis force Obama to acknowledge reality

91% of Israelis force Obama to acknowledge reality

At a press conference concluding his two-day 'nuclear summit' on Tuesday, President Obama acknowledged reality: If the parties don't want 'peace,' the United States cannot impose it.

Speaking of Middle East peace, Obama said that “even if we apply all our political capital to that issue, the Israeli people through their government and the Palestinian people through the Palestinian Authority as well as other Arab states may say to themselves, we are not prepared to resolve these issues no matter how much pressure the United States brings to bear.”

He added, “The truth is that in some of these conflicts, the United States cannot impose solutions, unless the participants in these conflicts are willing to break out of old patterns of antagonism.”

Quoting former US secretary of state James Baker, who served under George H.W. Bush, Obama said, “We can’t want it more than they do.”

But he continued by saying that he would keep on trying even though progress would “take time,” stressing that “what we can make sure is that we are constantly present, constantly engaged.”

Obama's words came not a moment too soon. A poll released on Tuesday found that a stunning 91% of Israelis are opposed to having President Obama dictate terms for peace.

Asked whether they would support Obama imposing a plan dividing Jerusalem and removing the Jordan Valley from Israeli control, 91 percent of Israelis who expressed an opinion said no and 9% said yes, according to the poll of 503 Israelis, which was taken by Ma’agar Mohot on Sunday and Monday and had a 4.5% margin of error.

Eighty-one percent said it was improper for Obama to try to force such a plan on the two sides, while 19% of those who expressed an opinion said it was proper.

The poll asked whether it would create enduring peace or enduring conflict should Jerusalem be divided, with Jewish neighborhoods remaining part of Israel and Arab neighborhoods becoming part of a Palestinian state. Eighty-four percent said conflict and 16% said peace.

The numbers were similar for the Jordan Valley, where 90% opposed relinquishing Israeli control and 10% were in favor.

'Everyone knows' what it will take to reach a 'settlement' between Israel and the 'Palestinians,' but on the Israeli side we see one major factor missing that everyone forgets: Trust. We Israelis are far from convinced that the Arabs and their 'Palestinian' proxies have given up on trying to drive us into the sea.

Israel Matzav: 91% of Israelis force Obama to acknowledge reality

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