Saturday 3 April 2010

Israel Matzav: 85.6% of Gazans: 'Death to collaborators'

85.6% of Gazans: 'Death to collaborators'

85.6% of Gazans surveyed believe that the death penalty should be implemented against 'collaborators' with Israel and with Fatah.

The Freedom Center for Research and Public Opinion Surveys has found that an overwhelming majority of 85% of Arabs in Gaza favors the death sentence for Arab collaborators with Israel.

Specifically, the Hamas government in Gaza has put to death, and intends to continue doing so, Arabs who have been found to have collaborated with Israel or worked with Fatah and have been convicted of espionage.

A full 85.6% of the Gazan Arabs polled believe it is a good idea, and only 14.4% oppose. In the Rafah region, 90% supported the idea, and in Khan Yunis – adjacent to the former site of Gush Katif capital N'vei Dekalim – it was 87%.

Several dozen are already assumed to have been killed in recent months - including some executions carried out in the Rafiah area in what used to be the Jewish community of Rafiah Yam.

These are the Hamas courts - in which Richard Richard Goldstone has such confidence - in action.

What could go wrong?

The picture at the top is a 'collaborator' on trial in Gaza.

Israel Matzav: 85.6% of Gazans: 'Death to collaborators'

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