Friday 16 April 2010

Elder of Ziyon: PalArab scholar upset at Hebrew-named sites in Jerusalem

PalArab scholar upset at Hebrew-named sites in Jerusalem

I saw variants of this article in a few Palestinian Arab publications over the past few days; this one is from PalTimes.

An Arab researcher has discovered that Jews have been naming many Jerusalem sites with Hebrew names over the past 125 years!

The reason, according to him, is obvious. It is to obliterate those many years of Palestinian Arab history and identity. Because, you see, the idea that Jews really have a historic and emotional connection to Jerusalem is too absurd to even contemplate - every Palestinian Arab knows that everything that Jews do is purely for the purpose of ethnic cleansing.

Naturally, he is calling on the Arab League and the related bodies known as the United Nations and the International Court of Justice to take action against this crime of using Hebrew place names in the city whose Hebrew name of Yerushalayim pre-dates Islam.

Elder of Ziyon: PalArab scholar upset at Hebrew-named sites in Jerusalem

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