Thursday 1 April 2010

Elder of Ziyon: In Turkey, NGOs and terrorists are indistinguishable

In Turkey, NGOs and terrorists are indistinguishable

On March 19th, there was a large rally in Istanbul to protest Israeli actions and rumors of Israeli actions in Jerusalem.

As the World Bulletin writes, the rally was organized by "several NGOs."

AHN reports that the organizations that organized the protest included "AKDAV, Aqaba, Civilization Foundation, Human and Civilization Movement, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, Mazlum-Der, Ozgur-Der, Research and Cultural Foundation and Wisdom Foundation."

These all sound like they care a lot about human rights, don't they?

The photos of the rally from the World Bulletin include Hezbollah flags.

Palestine Today is now publishing photos that show that protesters were also showing their support for Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups:
Flags for Islamic Jihad, the PIJ Al Quds Brigades and Hezbollah.

The photo on the T-shirt is of Islamic Jihad founder Fathi Shaqaqi.

Al Quds Brigades flag.

IHH is recognized by the UNHCR as an NGO. It is also one of the groups supporting the Free Gaza organization,

Elder of Ziyon: In Turkey, NGOs and terrorists are indistinguishable

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