Wednesday 3 March 2010

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Israel's Arabs: Time to Fix their Economy

Israel's Arabs: Time to Fix their Economy

The Marker, the financial sister-paper of Haaretz, has been closely following the story of the growing attempts to integrate Israel's Arabs in the upper reaches of the economy rather than the lower ones. Some of the reportage is about interesting efforts being launched by government and establishment agencies; some is carping on how great the need and how little being done. The whole thing is beginning to look like what could be a significant change for the better, which would benefit everyone involved.

(Mostly in Hebrew, of course. Such stories don't often get published in English). Here, and follow the previous links.

Also, relating to my previous post, note that Meretz and our radical Left have very little to do with the whole matter. The correctives are coming from a center-Right government, and free-market financial players. Just like you'd expect if you recognized our far Left for what they are.

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Israel's Arabs: Time to Fix their Economy

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