Thursday 4 March 2010

Love of the Land: The wisdom of Ahmadinejad

The wisdom of Ahmadinejad
03 March '10

Some recent wisdom from the Iranian President:

Existence of Zionist regime an insult to humanity

Tehran, Feb 28, IRNA — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday that existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to the entire humanity.

Addressing International Conference on ‘National and Islamic Solidarity for Future of Palestine’, he said that it is well-known for all that the Zionist regime’s mission is threat, violence and beating drums of war. Supporters of the Zionist regime who are shouting slogans of human rights and anti-terrorism, support systematic crimes of the occupying regime, the president said.

He said that everybody knows that the regime is seeking hegemony over the world.

He said that the Zionist regime is the origin of all the wars, genocide, terrors and crimes against humanity and that they are the racist group not respecting the human principles.

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Love of the Land: The wisdom of Ahmadinejad

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