Sunday 21 March 2010

Love of the Land: What's Wrong With This Headline?

What's Wrong With This Headline?

Honest Reporting/Backspin
18 March '10

Reporter Donald Macintyre visited Ramat Shlomo. See if you can spot the error in The Independent's headline:


Ramat Shlomo's not a town. It's one of Jerusalem's many neighborhoods, no different than other communities like Ramat Eshkol, Givat Shaul, Rehavia, or Emek Refaim.

This Google map should be sufficient to disprove the notion that Ramat Shlomo's a "town." I circled the neighborhood in red. I only regret that you can't see more of municipal Jerusalem to better appreciate the sense of scale. (Click on the map to see it more clearly.)


Love of the Land: What's Wrong With This Headline?

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