Wednesday 3 March 2010

Love of the Land: Welcome to "Just-the-Opposite Facts" Theater, Temple Mount Chapter

Welcome to "Just-the-Opposite Facts" Theater, Temple Mount Chapter

Yisrael Medad
My Right Word
01 March '10

IMRA's Aaron Lerner pointed me to this news item which informs us that Jordan has condemned what they call a "raid on holy Jerusalem site" and they further term it, but of course, a "provocation".

According the the official press agency version "Israeli forces...stormed Al Aqsa Mosque" [stormtroopers, got that?]. And what 'started' it all? Well, "Israeli police opened the Bab Al Maghareba Gate early today for the entry of zionist extremists" [but they do that every day, to everyone. it's called freedom of access and it is a fundamental legal tenet].

Don't these Arabs understand pluralistic democratic society existence?

Further, we learn that

"Jordan rejects any attempt by Israeli occupation forces to harm holy sites in the Palestinian territories," State Minister for Media Affairs and Communication Nabil Sharif told Petra. "Storming Al Aqsa is an affront to the will of the international community and such action will impede efforts to kickstart the peace process to achieve stability in the region and set up an independent, sovereign and viable Palestinian state," Sharif added.

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: Welcome to "Just-the-Opposite Facts" Theater, Temple Mount Chapter

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