Sunday 7 March 2010

Love of the Land: [Time to take the gloves off] U.S. to Palestinians: We will offer our own bridging proposals and assign blame if Israel-PA talks fail

[Time to take the gloves off] U.S. to Palestinians: We will offer our own bridging proposals and assign blame if Israel-PA talks fail

Dr. Aaron Lerner
06 March '10

It isn't going to be easy.

But it is definitely doable.

But we can't make it through the assault that is being orchestrated with our
hands tied behind our backs.

The Arabs (and the Israelis who are confident that if we would just give the
Arabs what they want there would be utopian peace) are going to slam both
our positions and just as important the leadership representing these
positions at every opportunity.

And what about us?

Will Mahmoud Abbas continue to be off limits?

Will the involvement of the PA in incitement be ignored?

Will we, for example, continue to find ourselves dealing with condemnation for police activity on the Temple Mount instead of taking the offensive and slamming Arab violence on the Temple Mount at every possible forum?]

Exclusive: U.S. vows to assign blame if Israel-PA talks fail
By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz Correspondent Last update - 19:59 05/03/2010

The United States government has committed to playing a role in indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and promised that if the talks were to fail, the U.S. will assign blame and take action, according to a document sent by the U.S. to the Palestinian Authority, which Haaretz obtained on Friday.

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: [Time to take the gloves off] U.S. to Palestinians: We will offer our own bridging proposals and assign blame if Israel-PA talks fail

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