Monday 1 March 2010

Love of the Land: Resistance and Rockets: Hamas Targeting of Israeli Civilians

Resistance and Rockets: Hamas Targeting of Israeli Civilians

Jeffrey White
The Washington Institute for
Near East Policy
25 February '10

Recently, Hamas has gone to extraordinary lengths to prove that it did not attack civilian targets in Israel during the December 2008 to January 2009 Gaza conflict. But a review of the organization's own media -- including the website of its military arm, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades (, and the Hamas-associated monthly journal Filastin al-Muslima ( -- shows that Hamas knowingly and repeatedly fired on Israeli population centers in southern Israel. To accept Hamas's latest claim that it did not launch rockets at civilians is to deny its numerous past claims to the contrary.

Claim vs. Conduct

On February 3, 2010, Hamas released a fifty-two-page response to the UN's Goldstone report regarding its conduct during the Gaza war (called the "Battle of al-Furqan" in the organization's commentary). According to this document, the killing and wounding of Israeli civilians was unintentional -- Hamas forces had targeted only military installations during the fighting. This claim was based on a supposed internal investigation conducted by Hamas and led by its justice minister, Faraj al-Ghoul.

(Read full report)

Love of the Land: Resistance and Rockets: Hamas Targeting of Israeli Civilians

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