Sunday 7 March 2010

Love of the Land: HRW and Garlasco: Independent Investigation Has Top Priority

HRW and Garlasco: Independent Investigation Has Top Priority

NGO Monitor
05 March '10

Human Rights Watch’s Unfinished Business

JERUSALEM – The belated “resignation” of Marc Garlasco, who held the position of senior military analyst at Human Rights Watch, underscores HRW’s lack of credibility and the need for a thorough investigation.

Since Garlasco was revealed to be an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia in September 2009, NGO Monitor had repeatedly called for an independent examination of HRW’s policies and hiring practices.

“Although Garlasco no longer works with HRW, the organization’s reliance on his supposed ‘military expertise’ raises alarming questions about the credibility of its activities, and the Goldstone report, which relied heavily on HRW’s claims,” said Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor. “HRW’s problems go far deeper than the Garlasco case.”

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: HRW and Garlasco: Independent Investigation Has Top Priority

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