Sunday 14 March 2010

Love of the Land: How Quick They Forget: A Short History of U.S. Policy and Israeli Construction in East Jerusalem

How Quick They Forget: A Short History of U.S. Policy and Israeli Construction in East Jerusalem

Barry Rubin
The Rubin Report
14 March '10

For more than four months the U.S. government has been celebrating Israel agreeing to stop construction on settlements in the West Bank while continuing building in east Jerusalem as a great step forward and Israeli concession deserving a reward. Suddenly, all of this is forgotten to say that Israel building in east Jerusalem is some kind of terrible deed which deserves punishment.

Israelis are used to this pattern: give a big concession and a few months later that step is forgotten as Israel is portrayed as intransigent and more concessions are demanded with nothing in return. Here is a short history of this round:

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Love of the Land: How Quick They Forget: A Short History of U.S. Policy and Israeli Construction in East Jerusalem

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