Thursday 18 March 2010

Love of the Land: [Hell froze over?] Text: Haaretz correspondents warn Obama its counterproductive to attack Netanyahu

[Hell froze over?] Text: Haaretz correspondents warn Obama its counterproductive to attack Netanyahu

Dr. Aaron Lerner
17 March '10

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA They genuflect at the end of the column ("7. And as for you, Netanyahu? Do us all a favor and cancel the building in Ramat Shlomo.") but the rest of the article is absolutely incredible.]

U.S. anger over East Jerusalem row is excessive
By Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel
17 March 2010

A few pointers for the Obama administration on the diplomatic crisis with Israel:

1. I don't support Netanyahu. I think his policies on settlements and building in east Jerusalem are wrong. I think he is stalling for time and I would genuinely like to see a comprehensive political settlement with the Palestinians. But America's response to the government's approval of 1,600 new housing units in Ramat Shlomo in northeast Jerusalem is excessive.

While it extends a hand to Iran, which continues in its effort to acquire a nuclear bomb; and reaches out to Syria as it arms Hezbollah with advanced weapons, it seems the Obama administration has made a conscious decision to aggravate a diplomatic crisis with the Netanyahu government.

True, Netanyahu may - unintentionally - have caused the crisis, which damaged U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. But now Obama's aides are refusing to relax their grip, hoping to force Israel into declaring a total freeze on building in east Jerusalem.

Washington ought to remember one thing, however: The majority of Israelis wholly oppose halting construction in east Jerusalem. They may be angry over the timing of the announcement - but most want building to continue.

So I am not at all sure that America's opposition to a democratic decision by Israel's citizens will damage Netanyahu's standing at home. In the final analysis, it will only push him further into the rightwing camp, by far the country's most powerful political force. The left and center would in any case never vote for him and the latest episode can only strengthen his image in the eyes of the right.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: [Hell froze over?] Text: Haaretz correspondents warn Obama its counterproductive to attack Netanyahu

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