Wednesday 10 March 2010

Love of the Land: The First Annual International Temple Mount Awareness Day - March 16

The First Annual International Temple Mount Awareness Day - March 16

The people of Israel and the nations of the world are longing for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, and awakening to the grave and imminent danger that exists today on the Temple Mount, where non-Moslems are forbidden to pray, where Mosques are being constructed and where destruction of the remnants of the Holy Temple at the hands of the Moslem "custodians" of the Mount, continues apace. It is in our power to change this reality.

Join us on March 16th, (Rosh Chodesh Nisan), for THE FIRST ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL TEMPLE MOUNT AWARENESS DAY. Whether you are living in Israel or you are living abroad, you can participate.

For more details: The First Annual International Temple Mount Awareness Day - March 16

Love of the Land: The First Annual International Temple Mount Awareness Day - March 16

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