Saturday 6 March 2010

Israel Matzav: What sanctions are there going to be anyway?

What sanctions are there going to be anyway?

Rick Richman reports that on Thursday, State Department Assistant Secretary P.J. Crowley was asked for some specifics about sanctioning Iran.

QUESTION: Speaking of the UN and a resolution, are you circulating a draft or is – are any of the P-5+1 circulating a draft at the moment?

MR. CROWLEY: There’s no draft resolution. We are working within the P-5+1 and with others on – sharing our ideas on possible steps. I think there’s a growing understanding that Iran should face consequences for its defiance of international obligations. We’ve having very serious and high-level conversations, but there is not, as of yet, a draft resolution text.


QUESTION: When do you think there will be [a draft text]?

MR. CROWLEY: We don’t have a timetable. We want to move as rapidly as possible, but at the end of this, we want to have action that is effective, sends the right signal, puts the right pressure on Iran, and we hope ultimately secures Iran’s compliance under the NPT and UN Security Council resolutions.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: What sanctions are there going to be anyway?

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