Wednesday 17 March 2010

Israel Matzav: What the Evangelical Christian community did for us in this crisis

What the Evangelical Christian community did for us in this crisis

Jennifer Rubin reports on the Evangelical Christian community's reaction to the current crisis.

Christians United for Israel has swung into action; an alert went out to its very large mailing list (which includes pastors who in turn contact their church members)... What kind of response did they get? “Just 90 minutes after CUFI’s action alert was distributed, more than 5,000 of our members sent e-mails to the White House asking the president to ‘end this unnecessary crisis, return to a more productive approach, and stand with our ally Israel.’ As of last count we are averaging an e-mail every second, and I see no indication that this will slow down anytime soon.”

Many liberal, largely secular American Jews have been wary of, if not downright hostile to, evangelical support for Israel. Perhaps they should reconsider and figure out who the friends of Israel really are. They’re the ones sending, not receiving the e-mails.

Nice try Jennifer. The problem is that many of those liberal, largely secular American Jews couldn't care less about Israel. We're far down on their issues list.

Israel Matzav: What the Evangelical Christian community did for us in this crisis

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