Friday 19 March 2010

Israel Matzav: US sanctions al-Aqsa Television

US sanctions al-Aqsa Television

The United States has imposed sanctions on Hamas' al-Aqsa Television network.

On March 18, 2010, the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against two Hamas-linked organizations in Gaza – Al-Aqsa TV and the Islamic National Bank (INB). The actions, taken pursuant to Executive Order 13224, freeze any assets that Al-Aqsa TV or INB hold under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibit U.S. persons from engaging in any transactions with them. The targets of the sanctions include terrorists and terrorist organizations, among others.

The Treasury Department stated that Al-Aqsa TV is financed and controlled by Hamas, serving as a primary Hamas media outlet that airs programs "designed to recruit children to become Hamas armed fighters and suicide bombers upon reaching adulthood."

What took so long? Al-Aqsa broadcasts Tomorrow's Pioneers (the children's show with the cartoon character terrorists) among other things.

Israel Matzav: US sanctions al-Aqsa Television

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