Monday 29 March 2010

Israel Matzav: US considering abstaining on UN resolution on Jerusalem

US considering abstaining on UN resolution on Jerusalem

The United States is considering abstaining rather than vetoing a UN Security Council condemnation of Israel over building in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, the US is reportedly considering abstaining from a possible UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlement expansion in East Jerusalem. The US usually blocks Security Council resolutions criticising Israel.

US officials in Washington have not confirmed the report. It is likely that the US is considering how to maintain pressure, and a UN resolution would be one way, says BBC state department correspondent Kim Ghattas.

In the wake of a controversial visit to the US, Mr Netanyahu said on Friday that his policy on East Jerusalem would not change, despite US pressure on Israel to announce a freeze on building Jewish homes there.

A best-selling Israeli newspaper then quoted an unidentified aide as saying: "You could say that Obama is the greatest disaster for Israel - a strategic disaster."

But the prime minister, speaking before he briefed the cabinet on his US trip, condemned these comments as "unacceptable".

"They do not come from anyone representing me. The relations between Israel and the United States are those of allies and friends, and are based on tradition spanning many years."

If Netanyahu did not say that, he's about the only one here who has not said it. And at this point, a US abstention (which would take us back to the Carter era) would not surprise anyone at all.

Israel Matzav: US considering abstaining on UN resolution on Jerusalem

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